Counterproductive ‘Progress’ For The Gig Economy

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Gig Economy, Legal, Politics

The race to replace outgoing Biden Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh is proving to be controversial for the most union-friendly administration in U.S. history. Current nominee Julie Su arrives with a dubious record as secretary of labor in California, where she propelled a law that essentially eliminated independent contractors, which wreaked havoc upon the trucking industry.

Critics worry that she could take those policies nationwide, although Reuters’ analysis points towards a rough road to Senate confirmation for Su, given lawmakers’ concerns that her policies could damage businesses that largely operate through freelance labor. In turn, this would eliminate many opportunities for gig workers themselves.

More on chilling effects: In New York, a new law will soon establish a base applying to app-based food delivery workers. Companies will have little choice but to pass these increased costs on to the consumer, and some of these delivery workers went on record to express worries about less work being available to them as a result.

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