Hey folks! So, we usually talk about how managers can get along better with their teams and how unions can change the vibe at work. Most of the time, we’re hearing the company’s side of things. But today, we’ve got something special for you—a video that gives us a peek into what employees really think when a union steps in, especially when they feel the union isn’t really looking out for them.

So, there’s this YouTube video by “TJsTruth” where the crew from Trader Joe’s in Hadley, Massachusetts, spill the tea on their unionization experience. They chat about how things were with the company before the union stepped in and share their worries about the whole union campaign. They’re pretty frustrated with the union not being clear about stuff during talks and sharing times when they felt like they couldn’t speak up or were pushed around.


  • 🗣️ Crew members discuss their experience with unionization.
  • 🤔 They’re worried about not getting enough info from the union during talks.
  • 😕 Some felt they couldn’t speak up or felt bullied when they questioned the union’s moves.
  • 🚫 When they tried to see what was happening in the negotiations, they faced pushback and were finally kicked out.
  • 📢 They’re calling for more openness and better communication in the whole unionization thing.


This video is like a backstage pass, letting us see and hear what employees go through during unionization, straight from the horse’s mouth. It’s a reminder of how important it is to have open chats and hear different views on union matters.

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